coruskating's avatar


31 Watchers198 Deviations
My faves betimes are bookmarked thrash,
Links to my comments, censure's splash,
Else, links to friends' sound-crafted art
Intended compliments to dart... 

Though 'favorites' is DA's label,
They are but Bookmarks, drop the fable!
Unless you grasp what I had meant,
Do not attribute content's dent,
YOUR predilection, dim lust's bothers,
Intentions mind-expressed of others...

Remember, of your wits detection
Is not some truth, but own reflection!
Unsure of what goes on in mine? --
Just ask, I'll share an opine....


Was born a demigod – Prometheus unbound,
Rebelled from midgets animating pidgins,
Both self and purpose ultimately found,
Live solitude of elevated regions…

-- Silver Rajah of Sophiastan


Поэты ходят пятками по лезвию ножа
И режут в кровь свои босые души.

-- Владимир Высоцкий


С ума схожу. Иль восхожу
к высокой степени безумства.

-- Белла Ахмадулина
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Devious Journal Entry by coruskating, journal